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How many students do you accept?


We enroll one full class (29 students) in each grade (8, 9 and 10).

How many students apply?


There are, on average, three students that apply for each position in the program.

What subjects are taught in Spectrum?


The Spectrum Program is a three year program, running in Grades 8 through 10.  You take enriched Math, Science, English and Social Studies on a linear pattern. So you will see your Spectrum teachers every other day, all year. The usual pattern is alternating e.g. Math one day, Science the next, with the schedule allowing for flexibility when it is advantageous. Your electives are taken with the rest of the school on the regular semester system. 


IMPORTANT: You may not take any of the Spectrum subjects (Math, Science, Socials, or English) for grades 8-10 outside of the program. A student who has already taken Math 8 or Science 10, for example, is ineligible to apply for or stay in the Spectrum program.

How is Spectrum different from other enriched classes?


Some of the things that make Spectrum different are the opportunities to participate in field experiences, to develop leadership and teamwork skills, to serve the community, to pursue individual study and to do all of this within a 'family' grouping. In Spectrum, we also participate in outdoor education in grade 8 and 9 each year with a major Science/Humanities trip planned for the grade 10 year.

What if I don't live in the Steveston-London catchment area?


In addition to submitting your application to the Spectrum Program, students living outside of the SLSS catchment must also submit a School Transfer form (RSB SA 23), available at every school office. Only students accepted into the school via the district transfer process are eligible for the Steveston-London Spectrum program.



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